Wednesday, November 14, 2018

11/10/2018 Homework

11/10/2018 Homework

1. Study for your vocabulary sheet.
2. Writing practice:
     Page 292, Topic eight: Food. Write a complete story based on these pictures.
     Page 291, email response. 该买哪一件衣服?(Read the suggestions)
3. Write a short notes for your three minutes presentation: Travel in China.
    (You can introduce any place you are interested, or how to plan travel to China)

Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018



1. Study vocabulary handout.
2.  Writing topic six: friendship
     Page 286. Write a complete story based on these pictures
     Page 287: Write a response e-mail.
3. Prepare a three minutes presentation from one of these four famous books. You can choose any topic that seems interesting to you.

Here is some recourse we were used:

2. ( 51:16 - 1:00:33)

Chinese four famous books:

2. v=80ng4BP_Pg0&list=PLNUyLvqs5SqbzIV0EexbW_6vVVPDG_TSx



Monday, September 17, 2018


1. Type the vocabulary words of this week.
2. Use these words to write a paragraph.
3. Study vocabulary contest words. You need to study 1-300 words.
4. Read the story of “七夕节”,use your own words to tell the story.

Here is the link of the story:

Thursday, September 13, 2018


1. type the vocabulary words of this week.
2. Use these words to write a paragraph.
3. Listen the dialogue.
4. study vocabulary contest words. You need to study 1-300 words.

Here is the link of the dialogue:

Vocabulary contest words(1-300):

Monday, August 27, 2018



1. Read and type the paragraph on page 165.
2. Study handout sheet about campus words.
    a. type them
    b. use each of them to write a sentences or use some of them to write a paragraph.

Next week is labor day, no class.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 18, 2018


Use the following words to make sentences:

1. "有"
2. 从...来的
3. "也"
4. 一...就
5. 能
6. 还
7. 不但...而且
8. 越...越

August 11, 2018


上菜 , 中餐 ,主食 ,位子 , 味精 , 好吃 ,小费 , 服务员 ,果汁 , 桌子,
椅子, 渴 ,点菜 , 甜点 ,素菜 , 荤菜 ,菜单 , 蔬菜 , 西餐 , 酒 ,
预定 , 饭馆 , 饮料 ,饿

1. study these phrases. Try to remember the meaning.
2. type them.
3. Use these phrases to make some sentences or  a paragraph.